Feast Days

                               HIGH HOLY FEAST DAYS CALENDAR

On your journey you will find Hebrews celebrating the same HIGH HOLY DAYS on different dates. To help debunk this mystery  all Feast and Holy Days are in the BIble with the time of the year to celebrate. 

Don't take our word,study the scriptures  using a Hebrew calendar  to plot the dates. 

The High HOLY FEAST DAYS CALENDAR will give you an example of how we came to learn the Feast days. 

Take time to plan and enjoy your weekly Sabbaths, monthly New Moons and annual FEAST days. 

Feast: An elaborate and usually abundant meal to enjoy some unusual pleasure and delight. 

- Merriam Webster Dictionary

Know the difference between lamb and sheep. Lamb is smaller,tender,under a year old and more expensive than sheep (mutton). There are a number of videos and websites that show the difference between lamb and sheep.

Costco sells lamb chops,leg of lamb and lamb ribs all grass fed shipped from Australia daily.

We don't celebrate birthdays, Easter, Thanksgiving  Christmas, state and federal holidays. We only celebrate Holy days in the Bible.  You will find there are more Hebrew dates to celebrate than world holidays. 

The Hebrew  dates never change, unlike the Gregorian Calendar holidays are  changed/observed for federal holidays. 

Learning to read and speak Hebrew you will learn the days of the week and months of the year. 

Sabbath- Every Friday starting at sundown  through Saturday sundown. Read- Genesis 2:1-3 Leviticus 23:1-4

New Moon - starting sundown until the next day sundown.  Read- Psalms 81:3     Numbers 10:10 28:11

The lunar calendars refer to the New Moon as a Full moon. In Biblical times ,Hebrews  recongnized the brightest moon as the first day of the month. They celebrated under the light of the  new moon.

Destruction of Nicanor -  13th of Adar  Read- 1st Macabees 7:47-49

Purim- 14th -15th of Adar Read-Esther 9:21-32

Passover /Feast of Unleavened Bread-                          14th through 21st Nisan      Read- Leviticus 23:4-8

Day of Simon-  23rd of Lyyar(Lyar)                                Read- 1st Macabees 13:51-53

First Fruits- 12th of Sivan     Read- Leviticus 23:15

Blowing of the Trumpets -1st of Tishrei                      Read- Leviticus 23:24

Day of Atonement-10th of Tishrei                                  Read Leviticus 23:27-32

Feast of Tabernacles -15th through 21st of Tishrei              A Sabbath day follows  22nd of Tishrei                          Read-Leviticus 23:34-36,39,44

Feast of Dedication-25th  of Kislev (Casileu)  to the 2nd of Tivet      Read- John 1-:22      1st Macabees 4:52-59