Shalom Royal 12 Tribes of Israel,

Israel is growing leaps and bonds ,beware of those pretending to be Israel begging for donations.

When  the occasion arises that you need to donate, request their full legal name address,with a photo identication, before disbursing funds. 

Also have a brief conversation with them and visit their  social media pages. 

When people in need apply for government assistance they produce identification and address them people with respect and by their name. 

Our Brothers and Sisters should be respectful  and humble when we extend a helping hand to them. 

Paypal  will not refund donations. 

By no  means should we stop donating ,add a precaution, as everyone  claiming Israel is not Israel. 

Being able to donate to our Brothers and Sisters in need is a blessing. As stewards of this bounty, we must make changes to our giving  policy to ensure it feeds  those in need. 
